The Board of Trustees of School District No. 58, Bingham County, Idaho met in regular session at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 15th 2023 at the Aberdeen School District Office in Aberdeen, Idaho.
Chairman Todd Lowder opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Also present were Amy Burusco and Sherrie Mauroner. A quorum was established. Brian Rowlan and Elaine Blik arrived at 5:35 p.m.
Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance
Robi Jo recognized three elementary school students involved in the IDX, Battle of the Books and PAWS programs. Breann Duffin and Erin Johnson recognized their groups of students involved in IDX.
There were changes to the agenda to add hiring a school resource officer (SRO) under Business Items – Discussion 9B. and review the FY 23-24 math curriculum under Business Items – Discussion 9C.
A motion was made by Trustee Mauroner and seconded by Trustee Blik to approve the agenda as modified. The motion passed.
Superintendent Ward reviewed her written report. Mrs. Ward thanked those that attended the board training session. April 7th will be the next teacher appreciation luncheon and Mrs. Ward asked who will be attending. Trustee Lowder and Trustee Blik indicated they will attend the luncheon. Mrs. Ward will be out of the office for evaluation training March 16th and 17th. All funds will be frozen April 1st in preparation to finalize our budget for negotiations by the end of April or May 1st. Mrs. Ward has asked the Aberdeen Education Association to return their list on what they want to negotiate by April 10th. Spring Break will be March 22nd – 23rd. Mrs. Ward added that she attended a school safety meeting in Blackfoot and fentanyl is a big problem in schools. A school resource officer would train our teachers on the signs to look for and how to use Narcan to save students from opioid overdoses. Moody’s increased our district’s credit rating from A3 to A2.
Robi Jo Colton discussed her written report. The 5th grade IDX teams attended the IDX competition on March 3rd. Aberdeen teams won first place in the junior and senior divisions and the students’ choice award. Our curriculum adoption this year is math. Each building is meeting with parents to review and decide on curriculum choice. The board will review in March and approve in April. The Battle of the Books championship competition was held on February 23rd. The 2022-2023 champions are Jennifer Bombela, Annabelle Wahlen and Victoria Nelson.
Ann Mennear reviewed her written report. Middle school students were able to go to Pebble Creek on February 17th, 2023 for Focus Friday. They were given lessons and then had free ski time. They will also go on March 17th, 2023. The band concert will be in the auditorium on Thursday, March 30th 2023 at 7:00 pm. Mrs. Mennear added the Gear Up students did a service project for the elementary school students where they read a book to them and then gave them the book. The book was Knight Owl which was fun to team read. Mrs. Mennear added that her IDX students behaved well at the competition, and they helped clean up after the event was over. Mrs. Mennear acknowledged their good behavior and citizenship.
Travis Pincock discussed his written report. The YourFIT tech expo will be held at the high school on April 3rd. This is an opportunity to learn about careers in technology. Gear Up will be sponsoring a guest speaker for our students on April 12th. Her name is Stephanie Humphries and she will be speaking about internet safety and the image students put online through social media. The wrestling and basketball season has finished up. Mr. Pincock thanked coach Johns and coach Wahlen for all their work with our athletes. Spring sports have started. It has been a slow start with the snow and the cold, but our coaches and athletes are still out there.
David Vaughn discussed his written report. We have completed the WIDA access for ELL’s 2.0 assessment to all students with Limited English Proficiency. We have given assessments in reading, listing, writing and speaking to all LEP students in the district. The window for the Idaho Standards Achievement Tests (ISAT) will open 3/13/23 and will be open until 5/12/23. All students in grades 3-8 and 11 will be taking this assessment. Students in special education with severe needs will be taking the alternate assessment during this time.
The following consent items were presented:
Approval of February 15th regular board meeting minutes
Approval of February 21st work session minutes
Approval of March 7th work session minutes
Approval of February 2023 claims
County tax report- February 2023
February 2023 financial report
Building budget reports
Overnight trip request: State FFA convention – Twin Falls, ID 4-5-23 to 4-9-23
A motion was made by Trustee Burusco and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve the above Consent Items-Actions as presented. The motion passed.
Board policies for approval: 606 – selection of curriculum materials.
Board policy 606 was tabled until the April board meeting.
Approve call for bids to sell a 14-passenger school bus # 02-20 & a 66-passenger school bus #09-26.
A motion was made by trustee Burusco and seconded by trustee Mauroner to approve the call for bids to sell a 14-passenger school bus #02-20 & a 66-passenger school bus #09-26. The motion passed.
Monthly staff changes
A motion was made by trustee Blik and seconded by trustee Burusco to approve the monthly staff changes. The motion passed.
Board policies for March review – April approval
404 – Employer Recommendations. 404.50 – Information on Past Job Performance. 407.50 – Sick Leave. 410.50 – Misuse of Leave. 413 – Political Activities. 419 – Worker’s Compensation Benefits (formerly Supplementation of Worker’s Compensation Benefits 440 – Employment of Certificated Employees (formerly Definition of Certificated Employee). 441 – Assignment, Reassignment, and Transfer of Certificated Employees. 444 – Employment Contracts with Certificated Employees. (Delete) 447 – Recruitment of Certificated Employees. 459 – Reassignment of Administrative Employees. (Delete) 556 – Academic Honesty 656 – Homebound Instruction (Non-IDEA). 657 – Homebound Services (IDEA). 670 – Special Education (IDEA). 670.10 – Special Education: Written Agreements.
For review only. No motion was necessary.
Hiring a School Resource Officer (SRO)
For discussion only, no motion was necessary.
Review FY 23-24 math curriculum
Robi Jo discussed the math curriculum. The curriculum team voted on Math Expressions. This isn’t on the state approved list but the curriculum team would like to go with this for next year.
For review only, no motion was necessary.
A motion was made by Trustee Mauroner and seconded by Trustee Burusco to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.