Board Minutes: 04/19/2023

The Board of Trustees of School District No. 58, Bingham County, Idaho met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on April 19th, 2023 at the Aberdeen School District Office in Aberdeen, Idaho. 


Chairman Todd Lowder opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m.  Also present were Sherrie Mauroner, Amy Burusco and Brian Rowlan.  A quorum was established. Elaine Blik arrived at 7:22 p.m.


Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


A high school student presented his senior project to the board.


Superintendent Ward discussed her written report.  Representative Julianne Young gave the school $1,000 to promote physical activity among students.  Mrs. Ward plans to give this to the elementary school because they have not had much given to them over the last few years.  Mrs.  Ward would like to thank Kristi Copeland for all the years she has been on the Education Foundation Board.  She is now retiring and if you know of anyone that would like to take her place, let me or Amy Burusco know.  Mrs. Ward added that she will contact Guy Bliesner with Idaho School Safety and Security in setting up radio communications if we have a school resource officer in our district next year. The radio communications will not be the district’s responsibility to pay for if we have equipment set up in our buildings.

Travis Pincock discussed his written report.  The YourFIT Tech Expo was on April 3rd.  There were 165 students and about 40 parents that attended.  The tech expo is an opportunity for students to learn about careers in technology and education needed for careers.  Mr. Park and Mrs. Upton took 14 high school students to state FFA.  Samantha Jackson took first and will compete at nationals in the ag service proficiency award, Matti Jo Nugent was third in goat production, Micah Nelson received his state degree, Mrs. Upton was elected to be the next district advisor, Shelby Malone took 7th in ag ed career development and Aberdeen High School was recognized for a 10% membership gain.  Mr. Pincock added that more students are in Cody Parks’s FFA program this year compared to last year.

Ann Mennear discussed her written report.  District track is scheduled for May 5th, 2023 at West Side.  The middle school received $265 from our participation in the Idaho State Lottery Scratch for Schools event on March 16, 2023.  Mrs. Mennear added that they are hosting Soda Spring’s track meet here in Aberdeen because their track is still covered in snow.

Robi Jo Colton discussed her written report.  Our curriculum adoption this year is math.  The elementary building has chosen Math Expressions and the middle school and high school have chosen Big Ideas.  The cost proposal was presented in March.  If approved by the board, the buildings will order new materials in May.  Mrs. Colton added they received a grant for a water filtration station for the students to fill their water bottles. 

David Vaughn went over his written report.  They have begun testing students for the ISAT at all buildings.  All students in grades 3-8 and 11 will be taking this assessment.  Students in special education with severe needs will be taking the alternative assessment during this time.  Special education services will continue to be provided during ISAT testing.  We are receiving recommendations for students who should attend summer school for grades PK-5.  It will be held June 12th – June 30th M-F.


There were changes to the agenda to discuss board meeting times under Business Items – Discussion 9C.

A motion was made by Trustee Burusco and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve the agenda as modified.  The motion passed.


The following consent items were presented:

Approval of March 15th, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes

Approval of April 6, 2023 Work Session Minutes

Approval of March 2023 Claims

March 2023 Financial Report

March Bingham County Tax Report

Building Budget Reports

A motion was made by Trustee Burusco and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve consent 7A-F as presented.  The motion passed.


Board Policies for March Review – April Approval

404 – Employer Recommendations.  404.50 – Information on Past Job Performance.  407.50 – Sick Leave.  410.50 – Misuse of Leave.  413 – Political Activities.  419 – Worker’s Compensation Benefits (formerly Supplementation of Worker’s Compensation Benefits 440 – Employment of Certificated Employees (formerly Definition of Certificated Employee).  441 – Assignment, Reassignment, and Transfer of Certificated Employees.  444 – Employment Contracts with Certificated Employees.  (Delete) 447 – Recruitment of Certificated Employees.  459 – Reassignment of Administrative Employees. (Delete) 556 – Academic Honesty 656 – Homebound Instruction (Non-IDEA).  657 – Homebound Services (IDEA).  670 – Special Education (IDEA).  670.10 – Special Education:  Written Agreements.                                               

A motion was made by Trustee Mauroner and seconded by Trustee Rowlan to approve board policies 404, 404.5, 407.50,413, 419, 440, 441, 447, 670 and 670.10 as listed on the agenda.  The motion passed.              

Confirm the date and time to hold Budget Hearing as June 21, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

A motion was made by Trustee Burusco and seconded by Trustee Blik to confirm the date and time to hold the Budget Hearing as June 21, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.  The motion passed.

Monthly Staff Changes

A motion was made by Trustee Burusco and seconded by Trustee Blik to approve the monthly staff changes.  The motion passed.

Approve Board Policy 606:  Selection of Curriculum Materials

A motion was made by Trustee Burusco and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve board policy 606: selection of curriculum materials.  The motion passed.

Approve Math Curriculum for FY 23-24

A motion was made by Trustee Burusco and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve the FY 23-24 math curriculum for $150,771.39.  The motion passed.

Approve Pick-Up and Delivery of FY 23-24 Math Curriculum with Western Flyer Enterprises, Inc.

A motion was made by Trustee Rowlan and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve the pick-up and delivery of the FY 23-24 math curriculum with Western Flyer Enterprises, Inc for $900.  The motion passed.

Approve Bid for Selling a Used 2003 Ford 14 Passenger School Bus

A motion was made by Trustee Burusco and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to sell a used 2003 Ford 14 passenger school bus for $3,500 to Scrivanich Natural Stone.  The motion passed.

Approve Bid for Selling a Used 2010 International 66 Passenger School Bus

A motion was made by Trustee Burusco and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to sell a used 2010 International 66 passenger school bus to Josh Corbridge for $2,701.99.  The motion passed.


2023 Erate Wired Assurance Access Points for the School District

For discussion only, no motion was necessary.

Discuss Board Meeting Times

For discussion only, no motion was necessary.


At 8:35 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Rowlan that the Board of Trustees of School District No. 58 recess from an open meeting into executive session pursuant to Section 67-2345, Idaho Code, in order to discuss Section 67-2345: Subsection b (Consideration of personnel issues) and that following the executive session the Board will reconvene in public session for the purpose of conducting further business or for adjournment of the meeting.

A roll call vote was held with the following results:

Todd Lowder – Yes; Sherrie Mauroner – Yes; Amy Burusco – Yes; Brian Rowlan – Yes; and Elaine Blik – Yes. The motion passed.

The Regular session reconvened at 11:14 p.m.

With no further actions needed, the meeting adjourned at 11:16 p.m.


Approved by Board of Trustees:                                


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