Policy 911: Key Distribution and Usage

In order to provide a system for securing buildings the following policy is established:

1. Key distribution and management is the responsibility of the building principal.

2. Key distribution is to be limited to the actual demonstrated need of the employee.

3. The master keying plan is as follows:

A. The district will purchase a registered blank. Extra blanks are to be retained by the maintenance department, therefore key duplication is solely the responsibility of the principal. Only the principal may authorize a lock to be changed.

B. All keys will be numbered. The building principal will retain a master list of key numbers and to whom they are checked out.

C. Keys will fall into four classifications:

(1) District Master Key which will open all locks district wide.

(2) Building Master Key which will open all locks in a specific building.

(3) Building Common Passage Key which will open areas of common passage (i.e. entrance door).

(4) Classroom Key which will open a specific classroom.

4. The following regulations on key usage apply to any person who is issued a key.

A. No key may be duplicated except as outlined in 3A.

B. No key may be loaned. This includes to employee’s children, other relatives, or other members of the public.

C. Lost or stolen keys should be reported to the principal immediately.

D. When a key is issued as part of a building rental, it must be left in the building at a place designated by the principal prior to the renter leaving the building.

5. Because of liability factors anyone renting school facilities or are issued a key must complete the Building and Facility Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement.

ADOPTED: May 18, 1999

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