Policy 661: Prohibition Against Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials

It is the intent of the district to adhere to the provisions of copyright laws, as they affect the school district and its employees and students. The board does not sanction the illegal reproduction, in any form, of copyrighted materials.

Copyrighted materials, whether print or non-print, will not be reproduced by administrators, employees, or students unless such reproduction is allowed by the copyright laws, the “fair use” standards, license or contractual agreements, or written permission has been received from the copyright holder.

It is further the policy of this district that:

1. Unlawful copies of copyrighted materials may not be produced on district-owned equipment.

2. Unlawful copies of copyrighted materials may not be used or distributed with district-owned equipment, on district property, or at district-sponsored functions.

Guidelines setting forth the “fair use” standards will be provided to employees and will be posted or otherwise made easily available at or near photocopy machines.

Failure on the part of an employee or student to follow the copyright laws may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or student expulsion. Additionally, any employee or student who willfully disregards copyright laws does so at his or her own risk and assumes all liability for his or her actions.


17 U.S.C. Section 101, et seq.

ADOPTED: April 16, 2003


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