Policy 638: Student Fees

The Board of Trustees is charged with providing a “general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools.” Student fees will only be assessed as allowed by law.


Where a class is offered as part of the regular academic courses of this district, it will be offered without charge. Students may be required to provide their own consumables and may be charged for extraordinary wear and tear, damage, breakage, or loss of school-issued materials.

The administration may establish guidelines identifying when student fees may be charged as provided by law.


Students enrolled in the Aberdeen School District (“District”) who enroll in the Idaho Digital Learning Academy (IDLA) will be classified based on the following criteria:

Category 1: The District will pay the course fee for each student enrolled in IDLA course if the course is part of the student’s full-time enrollment at the District AND:

  1. The course is not offered as part of the curriculum at the District; OR
  2. The District elects to enroll the student in IDLA classes as a part of the student’s IEP, 504 plan, or other accommodation plan; OR
  3. The District elects to enroll the student in IDLA classes due to illness, behavior, or compelling circumstances; OR
  4. The student enrolls in summer school courses due to circumstances described in numbers 1-3 above.

Category 2: The district may require a student to pay all course fees if a student enrolls in IDLA if:

  1. The course is offered by the District and the student elects to take a course through IDLA rather than through the District; OR
  2. The student elects to enroll in an additional course beyond full-time enrollment; OR
  3. The student elects to participate in a summer school course that does not meet the criteria set forth above in Category 1.

The district may make students/parents responsible for any fees charged by colleges or universities to receive college credit for dual credit courses. Additionally, the district may make students/parents responsible for any fees that may be charged by the College Board to take an advanced placement exam. In the event advanced placement and dual credit courses require additional textbooks and/or course materials, the student/parent may be responsible for payment for those additional textbooks and/or course materials.


Extracurricular activities are outside of or in addition to the regular academic courses or curriculum of this district. Extracurricular activities are a privilege and are not considered a property, liberty or contract right of any student, and are not deemed a necessary element of a public school education. Students may be charged for extracurricular activities in which they voluntarily participate.

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Idaho Code Section 33-302 – Classification of school districts

Idaho Code Section 33-512(12) – Governance of Schools

Idaho Code Section 33-603 – Payment of fees or returning of property

Idaho Code Section 33-5505(3) – Definitions

Idaho Code Section 33-5508 – Funding

IDLA Fees Policy Statement

Paulson v. Minidoka Cnty. Sch. Dist. No. 331, 93 Idaho 469, 463 P.2d 935 (1970)

Joki v. The State of Idaho, et al., Case No. CV OC 2012 17745 (4th District, 11/17/15)

Idaho Constitution, Art. 9, Sec. 1

1985 State of Idaho: Guidelines for Charges of Student Fees

ADOPTED: May 17, 2017


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