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Policy 420: Safety Management Program

It is the policy of this district to promote a safe work environment for all employees and to take reasonable preventative measures to avoid accidents or injuries to employees. 

All district buildings will be equipped with alarm systems, fire extinguishers and other safety devices required by state and federal laws.  All district employees will receive training regarding the use of such devices.


All district employees are required to analyze all work assignments and the work environment for hazards.  Employees shall:

  • Understand and observe the safety rules and measures outlined in the district safety policy. 
  • Follow specific safety instructions that may be given them by their supervisor.
  • Be responsible for their own safe conduct and do everything possible to safeguard others in the area, or with whom they are working.
  • Be constantly alert to unsafe conditions and report them immediately to their supervisor.
  • Use common sense in all their daily activities and at no time take any action that could result in an accident or injury to themselves or others.
  • Refrain from attempting to carry out their job responsibilities when conditions do not permit safe performance of such responsibilities.
  • Refrain from operating or attempting to operate, repair, or otherwise tamper with tools, equipment, or vehicles without specific authorization.
  • Refrain from engaging in horseplay or other actions which may jeopardize the safety of themselves or others.

Any employee who engages in horseplay and/or violates the requirements of this policy may be disciplined, up to and including termination of employment.


All maintenance and food services employees shall comply with the additional safety standards:

  • Dress appropriately for the job.  Wear closed toe shoes.  Refrain from wearing lose fitting clothing or jewelry.
  • When operating power tools or other machinery, wear safety glasses or shields and tie back or cover long hair or beards.
  • Wear respirators or face masks when working in dusty environments or as recommended by the manufacturer of chemical(s) or equipment.
  • Wear hearing protection when subject to loud noises or high frequency power machinery.
  • When handling or moving heavy objects, take precautions to avoid injury, including, but not limited to, using a hoist, dolly, or other equipment, and wearing a back support belt. 
  • Operate machinery, tools, and equipment in strict compliance with manufacturer’s instructions.  Do not operate machinery, tools, or equipment unless properly trained regarding their use.
  • Utilize chemicals and other products in strict compliance with manufacturer’s instructions.  Do not use chemicals or other products unless properly trained regarding their use.
  • Comply with state and federal requirements regarding food safety.
  • Refrain from using defective tools or equipment, or using tools or equipment for any purpose that it is not suited.
  • Refrain from removing, defacing, or destroying any warning, danger sign, or barricade or interfering with the use of any other form of accident prevention device.
  • Refrain from horseplay or other conduct that could endanger the employee or others.
  • Obey all danger and safety signs.
  • Obey all reasonable directives from supervisor regarding the performance of job responsibilities.
  • Notify supervisor immediately regarding any concern or safety issue.
  • Notify supervisor and/or administrator if unable to perform any assigned task due to health or safety concerns.
  • Report injuries to supervisor or administrator immediately.


Supervisors are required to provide a safe work environment for employees and to enforce safety standards as set forth in this policy.  Supervisors shall:

  • Provide safety training for employees to promote safe work habits, and discuss specific job hazards and expectations of safe employee behavior outlined in the district policy.
  • Distribute protective gear to employees, as appropriate.
  • Inspect work areas daily; observe employees performing daily tasks; and determine safe or unsafe work habits, conditions, general housekeeping in work area.  Take immediate corrective action when it is determined that any aspect of the work environment is unsafe.
  • Report immediately to the administration any unsafe conditions beyond their ability to correct.
  • Require that employees complete an incident report relative to any accident or injury prior to the end of the work shift.
  • Investigate and submit a complete report of any accident or injury occurring within the area under their supervision, for which an employee seeks medical treatment beyond first aid.
  • Develop and implement a protocol for contacting emergency medical care, and for providing employees first aid treatment, as appropriate.
  • Ascertain that the first aid kit in the job area is kept properly stocked and accessible at all times and ensure that employees understand the fundamentals of its proper use.
  • Have knowledge of the location, accessibility, and use of all fire extinguishers and firefighting equipment within the building.
  • Report and recommend disciplinary action relative to employees who engage in horseplay and/or who violate this policy.


Idaho Code Section 33-512.

ADOPTED:   December 15, 2010