Policy 419.5: Employee Behavior

It shall be the responsibility of all school district employees to adhere to the following ethical responsibilities associated with strained or tense situations which sometimes occur between school employees and the public.

1.         As a general rule employees should attempt to do all in their power to avoid flagrant altercations with the public.

2.         Employees should schedule appointments at a time and place where students are not present, if at all possible.

3.         Employees should do all in their power to avoid physical struggle.  They should not challenge others or accept a challenge to fight.

4.         Employees should respond considerately and kindly to public inquiries, but they are not required to take verbal or physical abuse.

5.         Employees should acquire the assistance of a colleague or supervisor in situations which could become tense.

6.         If necessary employees should leave or walk away from situations which are getting out of control.

The Board gives its complete support to school employees and stands behind them in the responsible execution of their duties.

ADOPTED: January 12, 2000

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