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Policy 412: Employee Conduct

The board of trustees desires to provide a safe educational and work environment.  No person shall engage in any verbal or physical conduct which would tend to cause disruption of the educational setting, school activity, or work environment, or would harass, threaten, attack, injure, or intimidate any other person.  All employees are expected to work cooperatively with others to serve the best interests of the district and to be professional when interacting with students, one another, and the public.


Certificated employees are required to adhere to the standards set forth in the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators (Code of Ethics).  In addition to the conduct enumerated in the Code of Ethics and in Idaho law, employees are expected to comply with the following standards:

All district employees shall comply with the standards of conduct set forth in district policies or employee handbooks, and with any other laws, policies, regulations, and guidelines that impose duties, requirements, or standards attendant to their status as a district employee.  Employees are also expected to comply with all lawful directives from their supervisors.  Violation of any laws, policies, regulations, guidelines, or directives may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. 

Employees will not knowingly or intentionally address an unemancipated minor student by a name other than the student’s legal name or a derivative thereof, or by a preferred personal title or pronoun that is inconsistent with the student’s sex, without the written permission of the student’s parent or guardian.


When an employee’s performance presents a concern, the supervisor is expected to provide corrective feedback and take disciplinary action as appropriate.  Corrective actions should be designed to inform the employee of the performance concern and allow opportunity for the employee to demonstrate improvement.  Actions include, but are not limited to, verbal warnings, written documentation and directives, improvement plans, and formal written evaluations or appraisals.  Disciplinary action, including the immediate physical removal of an employee from their work site or termination, shall follow thoughtful consideration of an employee’s violation or misbehavior and its impact on the safety or well-being of students and staff or disruption to the educational process.

Employees who decline to address a student by using a name other than the student’s legal name, or a derivative thereof, or by a preferred personal title or pronoun that is inconsistent with a student’s sex will not be subject to disciplinary action.

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Idaho Code Sections

33-512 – Governance of Schools

67-5909B – Compulsory Gender Language Prohibited – Private Cause of Action – Rulemaking


Personnel Conflict of Interest #418

Employee Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment #423

Code of Ethics for Certificated Employees #442

Certificated Employee Evaluations #443

Discharge of Certificated Employees #454

Evaluation of Non-Certificated Employees #474

ADOPTED:   November 20, 2024