Policy 418.5: Complaints Concerning School Personnel

Criticism of school personnel is to be expected from time to time because of the inherent nature of public, tax-supported schools.

It is the general practice of the Board of Trustees of the Aberdeen School No. 58 to have initial complaints regarding personnel directed to the employee against whom the criticism is lodged.  This is done in an effort to take immediate action at the source of the complaint.  If a satisfactory solution to the complaint is not arrived at by both parties concerned, the complaint may be referred by either or both parties to the immediate supervisor of the employee for a settlement.  If a satisfactory solution is still not reached, the complaint may be referred to the Superintendent for settlement.

The Board of Trustees does not encourage complaints to come to Board Members as individuals.  However, if complaints are made in this manner, the matter shall initially be referred to the school district administration.

Board of Trustees

When a complaint or criticism against a school district employee is not resolved by the employee, the immediate supervisor of the employee or the Superintendent, the complaint or criticism may be brought before the Board of Trustees under the following conditions:

1.         The complaint or criticism shall be in writing and signed by the individual or individuals registering the grievance.

2.         The individual employee involved shall be advised of the nature of the complaint and shall be given every opportunity for explanation, comment, and presentation of facts as he understands them.

3.         If it appears necessary, the administration, the person who made the complaint, or the employee may request an executive session with the Board of Trustees for the purpose of more complete study and discussion.

4.         During the personal session to study a complaint, the Board of Trustees shall observe the following:

a.         All individuals concerned including the school administration, shall be present for the purpose of presenting additional facts, making explanations, and clarifying issues.

b.         Hearsay and rumor shall be discounted as well as emotional feeling, except those directly related to the facts of the solution.

c.         The Board of Trustees shall conduct the meeting in a fair and just manner.

5.         If the problem cannot be resolved a mediator may be used to hear the complaints. If a mediator is hired all parties will share costs equally.

ADOPTED:   January 12, 2000


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