Board Minutes: 09/15/2021

The Board of Trustees of School District No. 58, Bingham County, Idaho met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at the Aberdeen School District Office in Aberdeen, Idaho.


Chairman Todd Lowder opened the meeting at 7:04 p.m. Present were Mike Shackelford, Sherrie Mauroner, David Wahlen and Elaine Blik. A quorum was established.


Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance


Financial Auditor Morgan Hatt discussed the results of the annual audit performed for fiscal year ending June 30, 2021 and answered questions.


Mrs. Ward discussed her written report. The district office will attend a PERSI meeting in Idaho Falls on September 16th. Mrs. Ward thanked everyone that worked the fish booth at the state fair. This year things were a little different and everyone did a great job. She added that the fish tacos were good and thanked David Wahlen for the idea. Harvest Break will begin September 16th and student will be back to school on October 4th. Students that qualify for extra help in reading and math can attend “Harvest Boot Camp” during the Harvest Break. The building projects are progressing as planned. Mrs. Ward added that there is a Tiktok trend occurring now where bathrooms are being destroyed and there has been damage in our schools. Mrs. ward will recommend to prosecute any students if they are caught damaging our bathrooms and school facilities.

Mr. Pincock discussed his written report. It has been a busy start to the school year and it is great to have the students back in the classroom again. The high school is well into the fall sports season. Mr. Pincock thanked the teachers, staff, coaches, parents and community members who help make the school so great. The greenhouse is mostly done. He is waiting on a bid for the electrical work to be completed. Mr. Park has applied for the IQPS grant again through the state for the Ag program.

Mrs. Mennear reviewed her written report. Volleyball and cross country are underway. Mrs. Mennear thanked volleyball coaches Erin Johnson and Amber Tilley and cross-country coach Eliza Morris for their work. Mrs. Mennear will be attending the Gear Up regional meeting on September 14th in Twin Falls as well as in Billings, Montana on October 17th through the 19th. Teresa Torres and Mrs. Mennear are working to get all the migrant data gathered and sent to the Idaho State Department Migrant Director by September 16th. Mrs. Mennear added that the middle school is struggling to keep the building looking good due to the Tiktok trend with students damaging school bathrooms and she thanked the board for supporting GEAR UP programs for our students.

Mrs. Colton discussed her written report. The elementary school will honor five local veterans this year for Veteran’s Day. Each grade level will interview and write a biography about a chosen veteran. Our kindergarten will create the annual handprint flag and donate it to veterans. Our students will read biographies and sing to our chosen veterans. The initial PK-5 Istation testing is complete for reading and math. A student report will be printed for each parent/teacher conference.

Mr. Vaughn did not provide a written report. He added that the regional special education meeting is in Rigby on September 16th that he will attend and students in special education are doing well and making progress.


There was a change to the agenda to add approving the 2021-2022 continuous improvement plan under business items – actions 8G.

A motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed.


  1. Approval of August 18th Regular Board Meeting Minutes
  2. Approval of August 2021 Claims
  3. August 2021 Financial Report
  4. County Tax Report
  5. Building Budget Reports
  6. Out of State/Overnight Trip Requests

Middle School –Yellowstone –5/16/22 to 5/19/22

A motion was made by Trustee Wahlen and seconded by Trustee Blik to approve consent items A-E as presented. The motion passed.

After further discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve consent item F. The motion passed.


Board Policies for Approval – 443 Certificated Employee Evaluations

A motion was made by Trustee Mauroner and seconded by Trustee Shackelford to approve board policy 443 – certificated employee evaluations. The motion passed.

Approve 2020-2021 Annual Audit Report

A motion was made by Trustee Blik and seconded by Trustee Wahlen to approve the 2020-2021 annual audit. The motion passed.

Approve August 2021 New Hires

A motion was made by Trustee Mauroner and seconded by Trustee Blik to approve the August 2021 new hires. The motion passed.

Approved Revised FY 21-22 Bus Routes

A motion was made by Trustee Wahlen and seconded by Trustee Shackelford to approve the revised FY 21-22 bus routes. The motion passed.

Approve Emergency School Closure

A motion was made by Trustee Blik and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve the school closure on Wednesday, September 8th due to power loss. The motion passed.

Superintendent Ward added that Simon Bercier had to rebuild four servers that went down due to the power outage. She thanked him for his time and effort in coming in after-hours making sure the servers were up and running. Simon also applied for and received over two hundred thousand dollars for a technology federal grant.

Approve the 2021-2022 Continuous Improvement Plan

A motion was made by Trustee Blik and seconded by Trustee Shackelford to approve the 2021-2022 continuous improvement plan. The motion passed.

Approve School District Trustee Boundaries

After further discussion and review of the new boundaries, a motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve the school district trustee zone boundaries. The motion passed.


There were no discussion items


Trustee Wahlen enjoyed the administrator reports and meeting with the board tonight. He is dismayed about the trend to destroy the school facilities and parents should be made aware of this problem. Students should receive an award to report anything they see or know about someone destroying our school bathrooms. Trustee Wahlen is proud of Aberdeen, the schools, teachers, students and administrators and the good sportsmanship at games. He thanked Kristi Copeland and Layne Arnoldson for their work on the fish booth this year.

Trustee Mauroner said its good to be back in sports mode and to have the students in the classroom. She hates seeing this destruction of our school bathrooms going on. Trustee Mauroner appreciates everything the school does.

Trustee Shackelford wants parents and the students to read the paper about the school bathroom destruction and to tell the kids to stop destroying our school. Our students should have more pride and this destruction takes a lot of money to repair the damages.

Trustee Blik said if someone sees something suspicious, they need to say something to stop this destruction of our school facilities. Trustee Blik is proud of our facilities. Parents need to keep an eye on their kids and hopes this damage doesn’t happen again. Trustee Blik wished everyone a great Harvest Break and to stay safe.

Trustee Lowder thanked auditor Morgan Hatt for his work. He is proud of our district’s financial position and proud of our school and thanked everyone who attended the meeting tonight.


At 9:00 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Blik that the Board of Trustees of School District No. 58 recess from an open meeting into executive session pursuant to Section 67-2345, Idaho Code, in order to discuss Section 67-2345: Subsection b (Personnel) and that following the executive session the Board will reconvene in public session for the purpose of conducting further business or for adjournment of the meeting.

A roll call vote was held with the following results:

Todd Lowder – Yes; Mike Shackelford – Yes; Sherrie Mauroner – Yes; David Wahlen – Yes and Elaine Blik – Yes. The motion passed.

The Regular session reconvened at 10:09 p.m.

With no further action needed, a motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Blik to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.

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