Board Minutes: 10/16/2019

The Board of Trustees of School District No. 58, Bingham County, Idaho met in regular session at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 16th, 2019 at the Aberdeen School District Office in Aberdeen, Idaho. 


Chairman Elaine Blik opened the meeting at 5:35 p.m.  Present were Mike Shackelford and David Wahlen. Sherrie Mauroner and Todd Lowder were absent.  


Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Erin Johnson announced that STEM night will be held at the middle school on October 21st from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.  High school seniors will be helping out and ISU will be there as well.  


Mrs. Ward provided a written report.  She added that she is applying for a grant that can provide score boards and stow-away bleachers for the practice gym, or possibly bleachers for the football field.  She asked the board for their input on what they would prefer to have if grant funding was awarded. She presented a handout from the Blackfoot School District Superintendent addressing demographics of the school districts in our region and the Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI) results by school district for grades kindergarten through third grade.  Aberdeen has the highest growth rate of 39% compared to the Fall IRI. She congratulated teachers Mary George, Tracy Wahlen and Diana Sargent for proving that they are master teachers. They will receive an extra $4,000 from the State of Idaho for the next three years. She will be attending the Idaho School Board Association’s convention from November 6th through the 8th with Trustee David Wahlen.

Mr. Pincock was absent. His written report is available for review from the district office 2019-2020 board meeting minute attachments. 

Mrs. Mennear was absent.  Her written report is available for review from the district office 2019-2020 board meeting minute attachments. 

Mrs. Colton discussed her written report and highlighted the October student activities of the Drug and Alcohol Awareness and Bully prevention, 123TeachMe Spanish, the Library Scavenger Hunt and Will It Sink or Float?  All students in grades 1-5 are learning Spanish on the 123TeachMe Spanish. She congratulated her teachers for completing the master teacher program with the state and she added that kindergarten enrollment has increased to fifty students.

Mr. Vaughn discussed his written report and highlighted that there was paraprofessional training held on October 11th.  Paraprofessionals who need to take the Paraprofessional Assessment will be taking the test on October 18th.  He added that there are ninety questions on the test and they will need a 460 score to pass.  Angie Smith found a Reading Comprehension test on Aimsweb Plus that may provide more valuable information than the current measures we are using for our Special Education students. 


A motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Wahlen to approve the agenda as presented. The motion passed.


The following consent items were presented:

Approval of September Regular Meeting minutes

Approval of September 2019 Claims

September 2019 Financial Report

County Tax Report

Building Budget Reports

Out of State/Overnight Trip Requests

There were no out of state or overnight trip requests.

A motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Wahlen to approve Consent Items 7 A-F as listed on the agenda.  The motion passed.


Approve September/October 2019 New Hires

A motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Wahlen to approve the September and October 2019 new hires.  The motion passed.         


There were no discussion items.


Trustee Wahlen loves the improvements in our kindergarten through third grade IRI scores from the demographic list that was presented.  He congratulated the teachers that received the master teacher award from the state and he said Aberdeen has great teachers.  

Trustee Shackelford commented that a patron was concerned that the US flag is facing the wrong direction in the high school gym. He asked if there is a way to turn the flag to face the other direction.  Superintendent Ward added that the district has tried to turn the flag the other direction, but the flag is too heavy to safely turn with the few people that can fit in the lift to reach the flag.  If different equipment is used to reach the flag there is a risk of damaging the gym floor.

Trustee Blik asked Natalie Lewis to discuss the middle school volleyball tournament.  Ms. Lewis said there were twelve teams and fourteen games held with a lot of help in running it and the tournament went well.  Trustee Blik is excited about our teachers receiving the master teacher funding from the state. Boys soccer is playing for state and games will be held this upcoming Saturday in Blackfoot.  She thanked everyone for their time in attending the board meeting.

A motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Wahlen to adjourn the meeting.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.

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