Board Minutes: 06/16/2021

The Board of Trustees of School District No. 58, Bingham County, Idaho met for the budget hearing session at 6:30 p.m. with a regular session following on June 16, 2021 at the Aberdeen School District Office, 318 W. Washington, Aberdeen, Idaho.


Chairman Todd Lowder opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m., others present were Sherrie Mauroner and David Wahlen. A quorum was established. Mike Shackelford and Elaine Blik were absent.


Shannon Schultz with Construction Services, Inc. discussed building plans and bids to remodel the old high school offices into a new district office and board room.

Debbie Ellis discussed a quote from Troxell Communications, Inc. for additional outdoor cameras to install around the school district for student safety.


The 2021-2022 Budget was presented by Business Manager David Burke. A handout was provided to the board to review changes between the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 budgets. Revenues and expenditures were compared and discussed and questions pertaining to the budget were answered.


Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mrs. Ward went over her written report. The old high school bleachers are in the process of being taken out and the painters are scheduled to begin painting the old gym on June 10th. The wrestling room project is on schedule. Summer school has begun and both breakfast and lunch will be served to all students. Mrs. Ward wrote a grant for $30,227.60 through the Governor’s Learning Loss Grant to assist in programs that will help students that were not proficient on standardized tests. The district received the grant. Student test scores were reviewed and discussed. Mrs. Ward added the district will use the American Rescue Plan (ESSER III) federal funds to improve district buildings according to federal regulations. The John Deere Gator that was donated by Stotz Equipment for school district use was discussed. The vehicle usage is in line with the agreement between the school district and Stotz Equipment for the calendar year December 1st, 2020 through December 31st 2021 not to exceed 250 hours and keeping the vehicle in good working condition.

Travis Pincock did not provide a written report.

Ann Mennear did not provide a written report.

Robi Jo Colton did not provide a written report.

David Vaughn discussed his written report. He attended the final special education advisory panel meeting of the year for the state department on May 17th. The American Rescue funds were discussed at the meeting. Summer school started June 7th and there about 90 students attending from pre-school through 5th grade. From the Governor’s Learning Loss grant that superintendent Jane Ward applied for, two additional hours of summer school per day have been funded. The students will be using STEM curriculum that will help in science, math and technology during the additional two hours of summer school.


There were changes to the agenda to add the retirement letter from Kathleen George under Business Items – Actions 9E, approve plans with updated changes for district building 9H and Executive Session – Personnel was removed under item 12. A motion was made by Trustee Mauroner and seconded by Trustee Wahlen to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed.


A. Approval of May 18th Regular Board Meeting Minutes

B. Approval of May Claims

C. May 2021 Financial Reports

D. County Tax Report

E. Building Budget Reports

A motion was made by Trustee Wahlen and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve Consent Items A-E as presented. The motion passed.


Approve the 2021-2022 School Budget

A motion was made by Trustee Wahlen and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve the 2021-2022 school budget. The motion passed.

Call for Milk Bids for FY 2022

A motion was made by Trustee Mauroner and seconded by Trustee Wahlen to approve the call for milk bids for the 2022 school year. The motion passed.

Call for Fuel Bids for FY 2022

A motion was made by Trustee Mauroner and seconded by Trustee Wahlen to approve the call for fuel bids for the 2022 school year. The motion passed.

Approve Personnel New Hires: Paraprofessional Simone Pratt, Elementary School Teachers Michelle Vaughn and Cheryl Overmeyer

A motion was made by Trustee Wahlen and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve hiring paraprofessional Simone Pratt and elementary school teachers Michelle Vaughn and Cheryl Overmeyer. The motion passed.

Approve Retirement Letters from Speech-Language Pathologist David Brainard and Paraprofessional Kathleen George

A motion was made by Trsutee Mauroner and seconded by Trustee Wahlen to approve the retirement letters from speech-language pathologist David Brainard and paraprofessional Kathleen George. The motion passed.

Approve Resignation Letter from Elementary School Teacher Robyn Williams

A motion was made by Trustee Mauroner and seconded by Trustee Wahlen to approve the resignation letter from elementary school teacher Robyn Williams. The motion passed.

Approve Alternative Authorizations for Jeff Pratt, Laura Park and Tenille Rudeen

A motion was made by Trustee Wahlen and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve the alternative authorizations for Jeff Pratt, Laura Park and Tenille Rudeen. The motion passed.

Approve Plans with Updated Changes for District Building

A motion was made by Trustee Wahlen and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve the district building plans with updated changes. The motion passed.


Discuss Federal Funds – American Rescue Plan (ESSER III)

For discussion only, no motion is necessary.

Review the 2021-2022 Aberdeen School District Handbook

For review only, no motion is necessary.


Trustee Mauroner thanked David Burke, Dena Blaker and Jane Ward for their work they do in the district office and managing our school funds. She hopes the community is happy with what we do.

Trustee Wahlen is happy with what is going on in the school district and thinks it will be wonderful to move to the other building. He is excited about the wrestling room and the great wrestling program we have. He likes the idea of having more security cameras around the school district for student safety. He is happy we have the John Deere Gator from Stotz Equipment for school use.

Trustee Lowder is excited about the progress in the school and agrees with the other Trustees with the good things going on in our school district.


A motion was made by Trustee Mauroner and seconded by Trustee Wahlen to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

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