Board Minutes: 05/18/2016

Regular School Board Meeting
May 18, 2016

The Board of Trustees of School District No. 58, Bingham County, Idaho met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on May 18, 2016 at the Aberdeen School District Office in Aberdeen, Idaho.


Chairman Herb Bohrer opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Also present were Elaine Blik, Mike Shackelford, and Braden Driscoll. Todd Lowder arrived at 7:15 p.m.


Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Hilario Carrillo presented his senior project on the work he did at the high school weight room.

Nicole Latsch invited everyone to the 5th grade play on May 25th at 9:00 am in her classroom.


Superintendent Ward highlighted items on her written administrator report and thanked everyone for voting and passing the school bond. She commented on looking forward to our high school graduation on May 26th.

Ms. Colton highlighted that students who achieved their AR reading goal were able to go to Outer Limits and OK Ward Park. 75 students met the goal and were recognized by Outer Limits. Mr. Vaughn discussed his written report and highlighted special education student reading and math proficiency percentages.

Mr. Pincock highlighted that the Aberdeen High School was again awarded a bronze medal by US News and World Report as one of the best high schools in Idaho. He also highlighted that Wayne Millett will be honored by the state with the Wes Lowe Memorial Award and that Tiger Pride Day was on May 13th and went well with the students and their cleanup efforts. Bo Knittle won state golf championship.

Ms. Mennear highlighted items on her written report and commented that the middle school triathlon and field day is May 24th and students that earned all their AR points and who had not lost all their citizenship points in any quarter went to Lagoon.


There were additions made to the agenda to add a high school trip request for out of state travel to Lagoon under consent item (7­F) and to bid to demolish or remove the maintenance shed (8­F) and to bid to construct a new grounds shed (8­G) under business items.

A motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Blik to approve the agenda as amended. The motion passed.


The following consent items were presented:

Approval of Minutes from the April 20th Regular Meeting

Approval of May 3rd Special Meeting Minutes

Approval of May 10th Special Meeting Minutes

Approval of April 2016 Claims

March Financial Report

County Tax Report

Building Budget Reports

Out of State Trip Request for High School Seniors­ Lagoon May 25th

A motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Driscoll to approve Consent Items A­H as amended. The motion passed.


Hire Auditor Morgan Hatt to audit 2015­2016 Books

A motion to hire Morgan Hatt to audit the 2015­2016 district books was made by Trustee Driscoll and seconded by Trustee Blik. The motion passed.

Ratify Negotiations for the 2016­2017 School Year

A motion to approve the negotiated 2016­2017 salary and benefit agreement was made by Trustee Lowder and seconded by Trustee Shackelford. The motion passed.

Approval Used Bus Bids

A motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Driscoll to approve the sale of bus #02­19 72 passenger bus to Bingham Academy Blackfoot Charter for $2,150 and bus # 00­16 13 passenger bus to Bill Funk Farms for $1,551. The motion passed.

Approve 16­17 Curriculum

A motion was made to approve the 16­17 curriculums as presented by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Driscoll. The motion passed.

First Review of 2016­2017 General Fund Budget No motion necessary, for review only.

Building demolition or sale and remove construction

A motion to bid to demolish or sale and remove the maintenance shed was made by Trustee Lowder and seconded by Trustee Driscoll. The motion passed.

Building construction

A motion to call for bids for new grounds building with plumbing, heating and electrical made by Trustee Driscoll and seconded by Trustee Blik. The motion passed.


Trustee Blik thanked the community for their support and for everyone voting on the school bond. She also thanked Chairman Bohrer for his organization of the Vision Committee. A senior cap and gown walk of halls for the middle school and elementary school was suggested, this would be very rewarding for students and teachers.

Trustee Lowder is impressed with the bronze award that was given to the high school this year. He also enjoyed the high school musical for Mr. Millett and hopes the community appreciates the many uses the auditorium will give.

Trustee Driscoll thanked administrators and teachers for a great school year. He thanked the community for their support and commitment with the school district and that every vote counted for the school bond.

Trustee Shackelford thanked everyone that voted for the bond and assured that the board will make every effort to stay within budget for the high school renovation. He also thanked those involved with the PTA carnival.

Chairman Bohrer echoed the other trustees. He thanked Superintendent Ward and staff and the Aberdeen Times for their coverage of the school bond for their reporting of the town meetings.

Superintendent Ward reported the election results. 444 total votes were cast. Aberdeen had 227 votes in favor and 93 votes against. Springfield had 71 votes in favor and 53 votes against.


At 8:45 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Lowder and seconded by Trustee Blik that the Board of Trustees of School District No. 58 recess from an open meeting into executive session pursuant to Section 74­206, Idaho Code, in order to discuss Section 74­206: Subsection B (Personnel) and that following the executive session the Board will reconvene in public session for the purpose of conducting further business or for adjournment of the meeting.

After returning from executive session a motion was made by Trustee Shackelford to accept the negotiated salary for administrators, district office staff and district supervisors. Trustee Driscoll seconded the motion. The motion passed.

A motion was made by Trustee Driscoll and seconded by Trustee Shackelford to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed and the executive session adjourned at 9:23 p.m.

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