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Policy 873: Property Disposal Procedures

School Property no longer needed for school purposes will be designated as surplus property by action of the board. This property will be made available for public sale. Pursuant to Idaho Code 33-601 (4), the district will post a notice of the availability of this property at the district office and advertize it in the Aberdeen Times one time if the property is valued less than $1000and twice if valued more than $1000.

Appraisal of property valued in excess of $1000will be made by a qualified appraiser. These items will be sold, by sealed bid, at times determined by the superintendent to interested patrons. The Board may accept the highest bid, may reject any bid, or reject all bids.

Appraisal of property valued less than $500 will be made by the superintendent. These items will be sold at times determined by the superintendent to interested patrons.

A minimum value of 25% below the appraised value will be set. The superintendent and Board Chairman will determine whether to release property for which the bid is below the minimum value.

Property that is not sold will be given, on a rotation basis, to organized charities that will pick the items up.

The selling of school busses will be by board action and advertised for sealed bid as outlined in Idaho Code.


Idaho Code Sections

33-601 (4)

ADOPTED: August 18, 1999

AMENDED: March 19, 2003