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Policy 830: Gifts, Grants and Bequests

It is the policy of the school district to accept unrestricted gifts, grants, and bequests in the form of money and/or property when it is in the best interest of the school district to do so and so long as it does not violate applicable law. The school district will not accept any pecuniary benefit from any person or entity known to be interested in or be connected with contracts, purchases, payments, claims or other pecuniary transactions of the school district. Any gifts, grants and/or bequests that involve incorporating messages into or placing messages upon school property must be reviewed and approved by the Board.

Gifts with a value in excess of $500 shall be subject to approval by the Board.

Once accepted by the district, the gift, grant, and bequest becomes the sole property of the school district subject only to the control of the school district.

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Idaho Code Section 33-506

Idaho Code Section 18-1356

ADOPTED: September 21, 2016