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Policy 702: Student Transportation System

Transportation is critical to the education process, and the school bus is the safest form of transportation.  Therefore, transportation to and from school on a school bus will be offered to all eligible students.  The board of trustees’ primary concern in providing transportation services to students is the safety and protection of the health of all students.  Accordingly, the board adopts a series of policies governing its student transportation system in accordance with state and federal law and rules of the State Board of Education (SBE) and State Department of Education (SDE).  The board adopts as policy theStandards for Idaho School Buses and Operations (SISBO)of the SDE as may be updated and approved by the SBE from time to time.  The superintendent or designee(s) are responsible for operation of the student transportation system in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and district policies.


Regularly enrolled students and dually enrolled students of the district who reside one and one-half (1½) miles or more from the school of attendance may avail themselves of the transportation services the district operates in that particular area.  For purposes of this requirement, the distance is determined by the nearest and best route from the junction of the driveway of the student’s home and the nearest public road, to the nearest door of the school of attendance, or to the bus stop, as the case may be.  A day care, family day care home, or group day care facility as defined in Idaho Code §39-1102,  may substitute for the student’s residence for student transportation to and from school.  The district will not transport students between childcare facilities and home.

Students with a disability whose IEP identifies transportation as a related service are eligible for transportation from the district in accordance with the student’s IEP.  Homeless students and students in foster care are also eligible for district transportation in accordance with federal and state law and district policies and procedures.

The transportation services provided by the district are a privilege, not a right.  Students may be prevented from availing themselves of transportation services due to disciplinary infractions.


Non-public school students may be transported in district buses and vehicles if special circumstances exist and prior written permission is provided by the superintendent or designee. A written request on a Non-Pupil Transportation Request form must be submitted to the superintendent or transportation director. The superintendent or transportation director is authorized to permit non-public school students to ride in district buses and vehicles on a case-by-case basis.  In the event the district transports non-public school students, the full cost of providing such transportation will be recovered by the district.

All non-public school students will be picked up only at established school bus stops approved by the district.  The non-public school student’s parent/guardian, or the non-public school, will be responsible for proper supervision of the loading and unloading of the student(s) by an adult.

Non-public school students riding the buses or vehicles of the district will be subject to all laws, policies, rules, and regulations applying to public school students being transported on such buses or in such vehicles and may be disciplined according to district policies and procedures.  Such discipline may include termination of bus riding privileges.


To provide transportation to students, the district may purchase or lease, and maintain and operate school buses and vans, which vans will not have a seating capacity in excess of fifteen (15) persons; enter into agreements or contracts for the use of a charter bus(es); enter into contracts with individuals, firms, corporations, or private carriers; or make payments to parents or guardians, subject to statutory limitations, when transportation is not furnished by the district.


The district will maintain personnel files for each school bus driver, which will include all information required by Board Policy 738 (School Bus Drivers) and the most current version of SISBO.  The district’s transportation supervisor will evaluate the driver of each route at least one (1) time per year as required by SISBO.

The district will provide the necessary library of resources to ensure that transportation personnel have the proper tools to operate a safe and efficient program.  These resources include, but are not limited to:

1.   Applicable federal, state and local laws, codes and regulations.

2.   Applicable manuals and guidelines.

3.   Online connectivity for access to all internet and other resources.

4.   Applicable trade journals and organizations’ publications.

The district will provide each new school bus driver with a school bus driver training program before allowing him or her to drive a bus carrying students.  The district will also provide all experienced school bus drivers with at least ten (10) hours of refresher school bus driver training each fiscal year.  Such training will meet the requirements of the most current version of SISBO.  Documented training similar to that provided by the district may be used to comply with new school bus driver training hours, unless the driver has a gap of more than four (4) years in their previous driving experience.


As part of its transportation operation, the district will ensure that maintenance functions are performed on a timely basis and consistent with safe transportation and work environments.  The board will provide for an annual inspection of all school buses by district personnel or upon contract at intervals of not more than twelve (12) months.  The district personnel will file with the SDE its report of inspection of the school buses operated by the authority of the district.  At intervals of not more than sixty (60) days during each school year the board will cause inspection to be made of all school buses operating under the authority of the board.  Whenever any school bus is found, upon inspection, to be deficient in any prescribed standards, or is found to be unfit or unsafe for student transportation, such vehicle will be withdrawn from service and will not be returned to service until the district certifies the necessary repairs have been made.


The district will provide emergency training and evacuation drills for students and bus drivers as set forth in Board Policy 732 (School Bus Emergencies) and procedures adopted by the superintendent or designee.

Student transportation operations will be included in the district’s crisis planning.  Training will be provided to bus drivers on the district’s crisis plans.  School bus drivers are expected to remain vigilant and report suspicious behavior or conditions which could become harmful to students or be indicative of impending acts of terror.  Bus driver training will include training in homeland security awareness.


The superintendent, transportation supervisor, or other designee will maintain accurate records of the district’s transportation program and submit all reports required by the state department of education.  Student transportation information and records will be made available to SDE staff for audit purposes upon request.

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Idaho Code Sections

33-512 – Governance of Schools

33-1006 – Transportation Support Program

33-1501 et seq. – Transportation of Pupils

39-1102 – Purposes for Which Bonds May be Issued

IDAPA Sections – Standards for Idaho School Buses and Operations – School Bus Drivers and Vehicle Operation – Written Policies Governing Pupil Transportation System – Special Education

20 U.S.C. §§6301 et seq. – Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (transportation for students in foster care)


679.50 – Homeless Student Education

704 – Establishing Bus Routes, Stops and Nontransportation Zones

724 – Transportation for Students in Foster Care

726 – Safety Busing

732 – School Bus Emergencies

738 – School Bus Drivers

ADOPTED:   April 17, 2024