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Policy 672: Gifted/Talented Education

Gifted/talented children are those students who are identified as possessing demonstrated or potential abilities that give evidence of high performing capabilities in intellectual, creative, specific academic, or leadership areas, or ability in the performing or visual arts, and who require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the school in order to fully develop such capabilities.


The district will update its written plan for its gifted and talented program and submit it to the State Department of Education every three (3) years. The district’s plan shall include the following:

Philosophy statement

Definition of giftedness

Program goals

Program options

Identification procedures

Program evaluation


On an annual basis, the district will screen all potentially gifted and talented students to ensure they have an opportunity to be considered for the program. The screening criteria will be age/grade appropriate, will be nondiscriminatory, and will comply with the procedures set forth in the district’s gifted/talented plan.

The district will assess those students meeting the screening criteria and gather additional information concerning their specific aptitudes and educational needs. Identification of gifted and talented students will be based on multiple indicators of giftedness with information obtained through the following methods and sources:

1. Formal assessment methods, such as group and individual tests of achievement, general abilities, specific aptitudes, and creativity.

2. Informal assessment methods, such as checklists, rating scales, pupil product evaluations, observations, nominations, biographical data, questionnaires, interviews, and grades.

3. Information regarding students will be obtained from multiple sources, such as teachers, counselors, peers, parents, community members, subject area experts, and the students themselves.

Based on the assessment, the needs of the gifted/talented student will be matched with appropriate program options.

The district shall designate a certificated employee to develop, supervise, and implement the gifted/talented program.

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Idaho Code Section 33-2003


ADOPTED: March 17, 2017