Policy 652: Library and Resource Center Materials

The district recognizes that the school library is the principal location for students to inquire, to study and evaluate, and to gain new maturity and understanding.  The board delegates to the superintendent or designee the authority to select library and resource materials in accordance with this policy.  Selection of materials for school libraries will generally be made in consultation with librarians, administrators and educators, and may allow for input from students, parents/guardians, and patrons of the district, consistent with students’ First Amendment constitutional rights. 


  1. The district will maintain a comprehensive district-wide media program that will provide access to large and varied collections of materials on all levels of difficulty with a diversity of appeal and the presentation of different points of view that will also enrich and support the curriculum and personal needs of the users;
  2. Selection of library materials will be made by school librarians, taking into account the needs of teachers and students, and will follow the accreditation standards and procedures set forth by the Idaho State Board of Education;
  3. Gifts of materials, or funds for the media program, if accepted, will be used with no commitment regarding their use.  Such materials will be evaluated by the librarian, using the same criteria as materials selected with school district funds.  Final disposition of a gift is the responsibility of the librarian in accordance with the needs and best interest of the schools.


Persons responsible for selecting library materials and resources will make decisions based on the following criteria:

  1. The authenticity will be reviewed, taking into account the accuracy and timeliness of the material.  The qualifications of the author or producer will also be taken into account.
  2. The appropriateness of the material will be reviewed regarding whether the medium is appropriate to the subject matter and whether the vocabulary, content, concepts, and themes are suited to the intended audience.
  3. The context will be reviewed regarding whether the organization and presentation relate to the needs of the student and are helpful to the user.
  4. The interest regarding the message contained and the ability to hold the attention of the user should also be taken into account.
  5. The technical quality such as the format, audiovisual qualities, and ease of handling should be considered.


The following procedure will be followed whenever this district’s books, materials, or resources are questioned or if a person wishes to request reconsideration of books, materials or other library resources:

  1. An effort will be made to resolve the issue informally.
  2. If an individual complaining of the books or materials wishes to file a formal complaint, he or she will fill out the appropriate forms. The individual filing the complaint must be a community member living within the school district boundaries.
  3. The forms will be submitted to the principal and/or librarian for review by a media advisory committee selected by the building principal.  The media advisory committee will consist of a teacher, the librarian, an administrator, a student, and a community member.  The committee will review the complaint within ten (10) days of receipt.
  4. The findings of the committee may be appealed within five (5) days of the issuance of its decision to the superintendent for his or her review.
  5. The determination of the superintendent may be appealed to the board of trustees within five (5) days of the superintendent’s decision.  The board of trustees’ decision is final.

During the review and appeal process, the challenged material will not be removed from student use.


Any decision to remove a book, material, or resource from a school library will be content neutral and based on a legitimate exercise of control over pedagogical matters (i.e. educational suitability).  In all cases neutrality will be demonstrated.  Censorship based on the content of a book or resource is considered an extreme measure; prior to removing a book or resource from a school library, other less restrictive measures will be considered, such as placing the item in question on reserved or restricted status.

School staff will be informed of the removal of any book, material, or resource from the district’s libraries or classrooms and will no longer use those items.

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Idaho Code §33-512(8)

Board of Educ., Island Trees Union Free v. Pico, 102 S. Ct. 2799 (1982)

ADOPTED:   January 20, 2021

AMENDED:  December 14, 2023

ATTACHMENT:  Library and Resource Center Materials Comment/Complaint Form

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