Aberdeen School District No. 58 may adopt curricular materials consistent with district policy, Idaho Code §33-512A and the contents standards as established by the Idaho State Board of Education (SBOE) in subject areas offered by the district for which materials are not covered by the state curriculum materials committee.
The district will have available to the public the titles, authors, and publishers of all curricular materials being used in the district. The public has the right to inspect the instructional materials, except students’ tests, used in this district’s schools.
Purchases of curricular materials are exempt from public bidding requirements.
“Curricular materials” means textbook and instructional media including software, audio/visual media, and internet resources.
The SBOE prescribes the minimum courses to be taught in all public elementary and secondary schools and prepares and issues such syllabi, study guides, and other instructional aids as it will from time to time deem necessary. The SBOE also determines how and under what regulations curricular materials will be adopted for the public schools.
The SBOE requires all publishers of textbooks approved for use to furnish the Department of Education with electronic format for literary and nonliterary subjects when electronic formats become available for nonliterary subjects, in a standard format approved by the SBOE, from which reproductions can be made for use by the blind.
The SBOE adopts curricular materials (textbooks) for a period of six (6) years in the following subject matters: reading, English, spelling, speech, journalism, languages other than English, art, drama, social studies, music, mathematics, business education, career education and counseling, vocational/technical education, science, health, physical education, handwriting, literature, driver education, and limited English proficiency.
Curricular materials for courses offered by the district for which materials are not covered by the state curricular materials adoption committee shall be selected by a district curricular materials committee appointed by the school administrator and approved by the board of trustees.
In the event the board of trustees approves a district curriculum materials committeeone-half (1/2) of the committee members will be persons who are not public educators or school trustees and shall include parents of a child or children attending a school or schools within the school district. All meetings of the committee will be open to the public and any member of the public may attend such a meeting and file written or make oral objections to any curricular materials under consideration.
The teacher, prior to presenting curriculum materials of a possibly controversial nature, will review the matter with the building principal. If it is determined that the material is potentially controversial, but is an effective method of addressing some aspect of the curriculum, the teacher and principal will determine what notification should be provided to the parent/guardian.
An alternative lesson will be made available for students whose parents/guardians notify the school that they do not want their student exposed to the material. The alternative lesson will substitute for the planned lesson.
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Idaho Code Sections
33-118 – Courses of Study – Curricular Materials
33-118A – Curricular Materials – Adoption Procedures
33-512 – Governance of Schools
33-512A – District Curricular Materials Adoption Committees
33-601(2) – Real and Personal Property (exception for curricular materials from bidding requirements)
IDAPA – Curricular Materials Selection and Online Course Approval
ADOPTED: April 19, 2023