The District is interested in the safety and privacy of all students. In consideration of student privacy concerns, the District requires listen-in technology to be disabled while the device is at school, on District-provided transportation, and at school-sponsored events. The District prohibits unauthorized audio or visual recordings or transmission of audio or images of other students. (See Policy 553 – Student Use of Personal Communication Devices).
Parents and guardians shall obtain approval from the building principal before operating a student tracking safety device or other electronic device with recording or listen-in capability, such as Angel Sense, at school or at a school-sponsored event. Any parent or guardian receiving permission to use an electronic device with listen-in capability may be requested to enter into a user agreement with the school to define the scope and limits of such use.
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20 U.S.C. §1232g (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act)
34 C.F.R. Part 99
Idaho Code §33-512
ADOPTED: December 18, 2019