If, as a result of accident or illness, a child requires medical attention, the following action should be taken:

The parents should be contacted immediately. The child should be under direct care of the principal until the parents can be reached. In case the parent or relative cannot be reached at once, the child should be put to bed until contact can be made.

The child should not be transported or permitted to go home unless a parent or relative is at home or if in the judgement of the school official the child is capable of caring for himself in the absence of a responsible person.

The school will endeavor to inform every parent of school students of this policy by asking them to complete the Emergency Medical Treatment/School Activity Permission Sheet. (See a copy on the next page.)

The Board of Trustees will not pay damages, hospital or medical bills, regardless of the seriousness of the case, for injuries to students at school or while on school activities.


ADOPTED: March 15, 2000


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