Enrollment and attendance records are essential components of both school funding provided by the state and district reporting responsibilities under applicable state law. Therefore, it is the policy of this district to maintain a system of student attendance accounting which will show the number of days present and absent for each enrolled student. A day of attendance is one in which a student is physically present for a full day under the guidance and direction of teachers in the teaching process. For purposes of this policy, a full day is at least two and one half (2 ½) hours for kindergarten and at least four (4) hours for grades 1-12.
The record of attendance for each student will be entered upon his or her permanent student record. Student attendance records are education records as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”).
Attendance and enrollment records will be maintained and kept on file at each district school building. Each elementary classroom teacher is expected to record attendance twice daily (am and pm) and each secondary classroom teacher is expected to record attendance for each class period throughout the day. Building principals may designate one or more staff to periodically review and audit attendance to insure proper attendance reporting to the State Department of Education.
A homebound student is any student who would normally and regularly attend school, but due to illness or accident, necessitates an absence from school for more than ten (10) consecutive school days. The district may include homebound students in its total attendance at any time, provided academic instruction is has been given and monitored by appropriate certified professional staff employed by the district.
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Idaho Code Sections:
33-1001 – Definitions
33-1002 – Educational Support Program
33-1003A – Calculation of Average Daily Attendance
IDAPA Sections: – Day in Session When Counting Pupils in Attendance – Day of Attendance – Kindergarten – Day of Attendance – Grades One Through Twelve (1-12)
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
34 CFR Part 99
ADOPTED: January 15, 2024