Policy 522.5: Truancy

Truancy is an absence without either the knowledge or consent of your parents, teachers, or office. If you leave the building at any time during the day for any reason, you must receive permission from the office first. Your parents can call and notify the office the day you are leaving, or you can call from the office before you leave. We have to have parent permission before you leave campus. When you return to the school you must sign in at the office before returning to class.

The following rules related to truancies and all students from grades nine (9) through twelve (12) will be subject to these regulations:

1. A student is to be allowed no more than two (2) truancies in grades 9-12.

2. On the occasion of the student’s first truancy, there is to be a conference between the student and the principal. The parent(s) will be notified of the truancy and a conference with the parent(s) may be arranged.

3. If the truancy occurs a second time, the pupil will be suspended until such time he/she can return to school with the parent(s) for a conference with the Attendance Review Committee. At this time, the parent(s) will be informed that a third truancy will necessitate action by the School Board.

4. A student who is truant from school for a third time will be immediately suspended from school and the case referred to the School Board. A student may be reported to the Bingham County Prosecuting Attorney as a habitual truant. This will result in the student dealing with the Juvenile Probation Department and with the court system.

5. Any student who is truant from school will receive a “zero” in all classes missed.

6. Any truant pupil holding a student office or elected position will lose his/her position upon the occurrence of a second truancy.

7. Truants may earn additional consequences as specified in the School’s discipline program.


ADOPTED: March 20, 2002

AMENDED: March 19, 2003

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