Policy 355: Health or State/National Emergency Plan

In light of the integral role that school districts play in protecting the health and safety of the district’s employees, students, and their families, and the resource that school facilities may provide in the community, the board of trustees adopts this policy regarding readiness and response to emergency situations in the local community, such as an influenza pandemic, or other health emergency, or a state or national emergency.


The superintendent will appoint a designee(s) to act as the liaison with the local district health department relative to state and regional planning to provide for the health and safety of the citizenry in times of a health emergency. As determined appropriate, district personnel will participate in necessary training as made available by state and regional agencies.

The superintendent will appoint a designee or designees to act as the liaison(s) with state and local law enforcement personnel and/or public safety officials to provide for the safety and security of students, district personnel, and patrons in times of a state or national emergency as declared by the Governor or President.


The superintendent or designee(s) will prepare an emergency plan to address the potential contingencies that may occur in such emergencies. The board will approve the emergency plan and review it annually.

The emergency plan will address the ongoing operation of the district schools during an emergency and will allow the district to coordinate response efforts with local and regional agencies. The components of the emergency plan will include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Continuity of educational programs;

2. Alternative means for continuing educational programs, in the event of school closure;

3. Continuity of extracurricular programs, if appropriate;

4. Continuity of essential operations, such as, but not limited to, payroll and the supply of necessary utilities, including drinking water and sanitation;

5. Effective communications with students, parents, and employees, ensuring language, culture, and reading level appropriateness in communications;

6. Effective infection prevention procedures to help limit the spread of disease;

7. First aid/nursing/counseling services for those who become ill or are otherwise impacted while at school;

8. Use of district facilities by state and regional agencies;

9. Reporting absenteeism to the local district health department, as may be required; and

10. Provide for the security of school facilities.


https://www.cdc.gov/flu/school/index.htm (includes guidance for school administrators to help reduce the spread of seasonal flu among students and staff in K-12 schools)

Idaho Public Health Preparedness Program (healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/Health/ReadyIdaho/tabid/1613/Default.aspx)

ADOPTED: January 16, 2019


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