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Policy 451.5: Substitute Teacher

The best education possible for students is the primary responsibility of the school.  In order to provide quality education, the school must attempt to provide the best instructors possible.

Those desiring to be substitute teachers for the district shouldmake application to the School District Office. Those applying must be at least 21 years of age and hold a high school diploma or the equivalent. They should also interview with the principals. A list of approved substitutes will be given to each school and they will utilize those persons on the list.

The substitute teacher must have had all required, completed legal forms, including background check  submitted to thedistrict office before they can be paid.  New substitutes must attend an unpaid substitute teacher trainingsession conducted by an administrator.

Long term pay will be an additional $10.00per day for substitutes beginning on the 11th consecutive day for the same teacher. Should a break in consecutive time occur, the substitute will drop to regular pay unless this is approved by the building principal.

ADOPTED: January 12, 2000

AMENDED:  July 18, 2001

                        March 16, 2005

                        March 18, 2009

                        October 19, 2011