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Policy 216: Duties of Board Officers

The board of school district trustees (board) will organize at its first regular meeting after the January 1 directly following an election and elect a chairman, a vice-chairman, a clerk, and a treasurer. The clerk and the treasurer may be members of the board or, in the discretion of the board, either or both may be selected from among competent and responsible persons outside the membership of the board. The board, in its discretion, may allow compensation for the clerk, and for the treasurer if other than the county treasurer.

Each member of the board not otherwise compensated by public moneys will be compensated for actual expenses incurred for travel to, from, and attending meetings of the board. Such compensation will be paid from the district school funds.


The chairman of the board will serve as president of the board and is authorized to vote on all issues before the board. The chairman’s duties and rights will include:

1. Presiding at all meetings of the board and enforcing the usual parliamentary rules;

2. Offering resolutions and discussing questions;

3. Calling special meetings of the board whenever there is sufficient business to conduct, or upon written request of other members of the board;

4. Advising the Superintendent on the preparation of the agenda for meetings;

5. Exercising such other powers as may be delegated to him/her by the board;

6. Appointing an assistant clerk in the absence of the clerk;

7. Affixing his/her signature to such documents as the annual financial statement, master agreements, board transcript, and all other instruments as deemed necessary by the board for accurate and official board records.

8. Advising the Superintendent so that all regular and special meetings of the board comply with the Idaho Open Meeting Law.


In the absence of the chairman, the vice-chairman will perform the duties and obligations of the chairman.


The treasurer or business manager elected by the board will have such duties as the board may prescribe. The treasurer will be placed under fidelity bond issued under a surety company authorized to do business with the State of Idaho, in such amount as the board may from time to time determine, or under personal bond equal to twice such determined amount, with at least two (2) sureties who each will qualify as in the case of sureties on the bonds of county officers.

The treasurer or business manager will account for the deposit of all monies of the district in accordance with the provisions of the public depository law, Chapter 1, Title 57, Idaho Code.


The board may elect one (1) or more assistant treasurers who will have such duties as the board of trustees may prescribe. Assistant treasurers will be subject to the control, supervision, and direction of the treasurer of the district. An assistant treasurer may perform the statutory duties prescribed by law for the treasurer to the extent authorized by the board.


The clerk of the board has such duties as prescribed by the board. The clerk of the board will attend all meetings of the board, will keep the records of the proceedings, and enter into the record all matters required by law, or by the board. The record will be open to inspection by any person, at all reasonable times.

When the clerk does not attend a meeting of the board, the board will appoint another person who will act as a temporary clerk and who will keep the record of the proceedings. Any such temporary clerk will certify the record to the clerk, who will then enter the record.

When it is deemed prudent by the board, the clerk may be placed under a fidelity bond, in the manner specified in Idaho Code §33-509, in an amount determined by the board.

Additional duties of the clerk prescribed by the board will include:

1. Keeping a full and accurate record of the proceedings of the board. Such minutes will be available to the public;

2. Being responsible to the board for all matters pertaining to the care of the board’s records and documents;

3. Notifying all board members of meetings and ensuring that all special meetings are called in conformance with the Open Meeting Law.


Idaho Code Sections

33-506 – Organization and Government of Board of Trustees

33-508 – Duties of Clerk

33-509 – Duties of Treasurer

33-509A – Assistant Treasurers

57-127 – Deposit of Public Funds

74-101 et seq. – Public Records Law

ADOPTED: October 17, 2018