Policy 205: Continuous Improvement Plan

Aberdeen School District No. 58 will develop an annual plan that is part of a continuous focus on improving student performance through continuous process improvement and the analysis of data to assess and prioritize needs and measure outcomes. The board and the superintendent will collaborate on the plan and engage students, parents, educators, and the community as appropriate. All plans and any amendments thereto will be approved by the board. The annual continuous improvement plan must be reviewed and updated annually no later than October 1 each year.


The annual continuous improvement plan will:

Be data driven, specifically in student outcomes, and include, but not be limited to, analyses of demographic data, student achievement and growth data, graduation rates, and college and career readiness;

Set clear and measurable targets based on student outcomes;

Include a clearly developed and articulated vision and mission;

Include key indicators for monitoring performance;

Include, at a minimum, the statewide student readiness and student improvement metrics; and

Include a report of progress toward the previous year’s improvement goals.

The board will continuously monitor progress toward the goals by utilizing relevant data to measure growth. The progress will be included in the superintendent’s evaluation.


In addition to the district’s continuous improvement plan, the district will develop a literacy intervention plan. The district’s plan will include, at a minimum:

1. The projected literacy plan budget for the current school year;

2. The metrics chosen by the district to determine the effectiveness of the literacy plan and annual performance benchmarks; and

3. The performance on metrics chosen to show program effectiveness for, at a minimum, the previous academic year.

The district will annually report on the effectiveness of its literacy intervention plan by October 1 of each year.


The district will also develop a college and career advising and mentoring plan for submission to the state board of education (SBE) by October 1 of each year. The plan will include the minimum effectiveness metrics as established by the SBE and at least one (1) or more additional metrics chosen by the board of trustees to determine effectiveness of the college and career advising and mentoring plan, baseline data and annual benchmarks. The minimum effectiveness metrics will include:

1. The percent of learning plans reviewed annually by grade level, in grades 9-12;

2. The number and percent of students who go on to some form of postsecondary education one and two years after graduation; and

3. The number of students graduating high school with a career technical certificate or an associate degree.

The performance on all effectiveness metrics will be reported annually in the district’s continuous improvement plan annual report.


The continuous improvement plan will be made available to the public and posted on the school district website.


This district may seek reimbursement for actual expenditures related to training delivered by state-approved trainers from the Idaho State Department of Education (SDE) to the extent money is appropriated. To be eligible for reimbursement, the training will cover one (1) or more the follow subjects:

Continuous process improvement, use and analysis of data, and methods for setting measurable targets based on student outcomes;

School finance;

Administrator evaluations including, but not limited to, specifics on the Idaho state evaluation requirements and framework;

Ethics or governance.

Training records will be kept by the district for reimbursement purposes as prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction.

Training sessions for which reimbursement is sought will include a majority of the board and the superintendent. All training will include students, parents, educators, and the community as applicable to the training subject and format. The training facilitator will be physically present or have the ability to interact directly with all training participants. Time will be included to give participants the opportunity to discuss issues specific to the district.

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Idaho Code §33-320 – Continuous Improvement Plans and Training

IDAPA – Strategic Planning and Training

ADOPTED: August 18, 2021


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