Board Minutes: 05/20/2020

The Board of Trustees of School District No. 58, Bingham County, Idaho met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on May 20th, 2020 at the Aberdeen School District Office in Aberdeen, Idaho. 


Chairman Todd Lowder opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m.  Also present were Sherrie Mauroner, Mike Shackelford, and David Wahlen.  A quorum was established.  Elaine Blik arrived at 7:20 p.m.


Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


No patron input was presented to the district office or Board trustees prior to the meeting.  Chairman Lowder did not take questions from those in attendance through Zoom video conferencing.


Superintendent Ward reviewed her written report and thanked all those within the district that have worked hard to adjust to our current situation.  Teachers are reaching out to students, lunches are being delivered, the buildings and grounds are being maintained and administrators are working hard to keep everyone on track.  The elementary school is having electrical problems with a 3,000-amp switch.  Gary Krehbiel is working on how to solve this problem.  The old boiler is currently being taken out of the old high school gym.  The new boiler will hopefully be ready by the end of June.  Negotiations will be taking place.  All salaries have been frozen from the state.  School districts have taken a 1% reduction on this year’s budget and it is mandated that another 5% reduction be taken from the 2020-21 school year budget.  The 1% equated to approximately $50,000 and the 5% equates to approximately $211,000.  The federal government gave approximately $134,000, but has indicated where it can be spent.  She added that negotiations will begin on 5/21/20.  Our heating unit on the auditorium that caught fire is now being paid under warranty.  This is good news, we will get our deductible back and a new unit.

Travis Pincock discussed his written report and highlighted that graduation will be on May 28th at 7:00 p.m.  He thanked Joe Ingersoll for his help on changing the graduation program.  He also thanked Kirk Wahlen for his help broadcasting the ceremony.  The graduation ceremony will be different but very memorable.  He thanked Erin Johnson, Terri Foster, Ann Mennear and Erika Ingersoll for the display they made in the middle school honoring the seniors.  Angel Lemos and Lorena Gonzalez received scholarships from Idaho State University.  He thanked all the teachers and parents for working on homework and helping the students.

Ann Mennear discussed her written report and highlighted that they are continuing to award students with outstanding effort.  Students get PAWS (Pride+Attitute+Work=Success) awards from their teachers.  Teachers put their names into a drawing.  On Fridays three names are picked out of a hat and they have arranged with Wallace Drug for those students to receive a free ice cream cone.  She thanked the teachers and parents for helping students with their homework.

Robi Jo Colton reviewed her written report and thanked the teachers, secretaries, paraprofessionals, IT department, lunch staff, maintenance department, bus department, custodians, counselors, parents and students for all their daily efforts to make accommodations and changes.  She added that the custodians are sanitizing the building every day.

David Vaughn reviewed his written report and highlighted the IEP and eligibility meetings are continuing to be held remotely.  Any student needing face to face testing can have this done when school resumes.  Parents will be provided written notice stating this.  Special education students have been able to come in a few at a time in all grade levels.  This has been a tremendous benefit for the students to help them catch up on work and monitor their progress.  There are students who had completed very little work during the closure who are doing much better now that they have assistance from teachers and paraprofessionals.  He added that Carol Garton will be leaving our school district at the end of the year. Summer school will be held July 20th through August 7th, Monday through Friday.


There were changes made to the agenda.  Business Items – Actions 8C (Approve Call for Bids for Emergency Elementary System Repairs) was removed.  Business Items – Discussion 9D (Emergency Electrical System Repairs) and 9E (Public Access to School Buildings) were added.

A motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to approve the agenda as modified. The motion passed.


The following consent items were presented:

Approve April 15th Regular Meeting Minutes

Approve May 1st Work Session Minutes

Approve April 2020 Claims

April Financial Report

County Tax Report

Building Budget Reports

A motion was made by Trustee Wahlen and seconded by Trustee Shackelford to approve Consent Items A-F as presented.  The motion passed.


Approve Resignation Letter from Elementary Teacher Dessa Burton

A motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to accept the resignation letter from elementary school teacher Dessa Burton.  The motion passed.

Approve Hiring Auditor Morgan Hatt for the 2019-2020 Financial Audit

A motion was made by Trustee Mauroner and seconded by Trustee Blik to approve hiring Auditor Morgan Hatt for the 2019-2020 financial audit.  The motion passed.


First Review of the 2020-2021 General Fund Budget

Business Manager David Burke presented general fund revenue, fund balance, transfer and expense budget line items with the Board. For review only, no motion was necessary.

High School Graduation

For discussion only, no motion is necessary.

Emergency Elementary Electrical System Repairs

Maintenance Supervisor Gary Krehbiel discussed the electrical problem with the 3000 amp switch. He a provided a proposal from Eaton Corporation to upgrade the bolted pressure switch circuit.  No motion is necessary, for discussion only.

High School Sports Eligibility

High School Principal Travis Pincock requested to waive the fall sports eligibility requirements.  For discussion only, no motion is necessary.

Public Access to School Buildings

There was discussion on the school buildings and allowing public access to them.  After further discussion, a motion was made by Trustee Wahlen and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to open the school buildings to the public and to follow school policy and state recommendations for social distancing.  The motion passed.


David Wahlen said that the death statistics from this year compared to last year have been a few thousand less deaths.  The deaths have all been older people, not children.  He feels that the children should go to school in the fall without fail.  He appreciates everyone in the school district for their work and the students as well.  He added that Barbara Bush one time said to love children, hug them and read to them every day.  He encourages all parents to do the same.

Sherrie Mauroner thanked the faculty and staff for everything they have done with the online learning for students.

Mike Shackelford is waiting for this school year to be over and looks forward to the kids going back to school in the fall.

Elaine Blik thanked the administrators for their effort and the work they do.  She hopes we have a great football season in the fall and wants everyone to enjoy their summer.

Todd Lowder thanked he parents and especially those that have continued to work and were still able to help their children.  He thanked everyone for their work with the online teaching for students.


At 9:00 p.m., a motion was made by Trustee Blik that the Board of Trustees of School District No. 58 recess from an open meeting into executive session pursuant to Section 67-2345, Idaho Code, in order to discuss Section 67-2345: Subsection b (Personnel) and that following the executive session the Board will reconvene in public session for the purpose of conducting further business or for adjournment of the meeting.

A roll call vote was held with the following results:

Elaine Blik – Yes; Todd Lowder – Yes; Mike Shackelford – Yes; Sherrie Mauroner – Yes; and David Wahlen – Yes. The motion passed. 

The Regular session reconvened at 10:50 p.m. 

With no further action needed, a motion was made by Trustee Shackelford and seconded by Trustee Mauroner to adjourn the meeting.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 10:51 p.m.                                                             ,

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