Policy 641: Citizenship, U.S. Constitution, National Flag and Colors

A thorough system of public schools has been defined by the Idaho Legislature as one in which the importance of acquiring the skills to enable students to be responsible citizens of their homes, schools, and communities is emphasized.  Accordingly, schools in this district are required to provide instruction and activities necessary for students to acquire these skills.  Such instruction and activities will be incorporated into the existing curriculum.

Instruction in citizenship, the Constitution of the United States, and American flag and national colors will be provided in all elementary and secondary grades, as required by the State Board of Education.

Instruction relating to citizenship will include lessons on the role of a citizen in a constitutional republic, how laws are made, how officials are elected, and the importance of voting and of participating in government, as well as the importance of obeying and respecting statutes lawfully enacted by the Idaho Legislature and the United States Congress.

Instruction relating to the American flag will include the proper use, display, and history of and respect for the flag and national colors.  Additionally, the instruction will include the pledge of allegiance to the flag, and the words and music of the national anthem and of “America.” 


The United States flag will be displayed in every classroom in the district during school hours of each school day, and the pledge of allegiance or the national anthem will be offered at the beginning of each school day in grades one (1) through twelve (12).  However, students will not be compelled, against their objection or those of the student’s parent or guardian, to recite the pledge of allegiance or sing the national anthem.

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Idaho Code Sections

33-512 – Governance of Schools

33-1602 – United States Constitution; National Flag and Colors; National Anthem; “America;” Citizenship; Civics Test

33-1612 – Thorough System of Public Schools

IDAPA – Instruction Grades 1-12

ADOPTED:   December 15, 2022


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