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Mission Statement and Vision


The Vision of the Aberdeen School District is to provide the opportunities, encouragement, and facilities to ensure that each student reaches his or her maximum potential.


The Mission of the Aberdeen School District is to provide a safe educational system that promotes excellence in teaching and learning essential curricula that meet State Standards including strong programs in the arts and in activities.


We see education as a partnership between students, parents, educators and the community.

  1. We believe that the school has a duty to the community to help students learn to have respect for themselves and for all people.
  2. We believe that we must recognize individual differences in abilities, interests, and goals, and we must provide programs that will lead to success.
  3. Our graduates should have the ability to think skillfully, make informed decisions, communicate effectively, and have an appreciation for the arts.
  4. Graduates should have mastered the basic skills required to live and work responsibly within the global community.
  5. Expectation, attitudes, and effort directly affect performance.
  6. We believe that all students should meet the Idaho State Standards for achievement.


  1. Administrative and Board decisions will be made following current and thorough research and consideration. We will provide opportunities for involvement of parents and community members in the decision-making process.
  2. Students will have the opportunity to work in groups, both in work and in play, in order to develop cooperative understanding and how it works both in school and beyond.
  3. We recruit knowledgeable, enthusiastic and creative teachers that share our Vision and support our Mission.
  4. We provide a pleasant, safe, and orderly environment that is conducive to learning.
  1. High quality technology, technicians, and teachers will enable students to be prepared for rapidly changing technological demands.
  2. To help ensure building and meeting high expectations, we will develop on-going partnerships with institutions of higher education and with the resources within the community.


1.   Students, faculty, and staff will have the opportunity to develop qualities of good leadership.
2.   Students will develop the ability to carry out responsibilities without constant direction, and they will be encouraged to regard learning as a life-long and rewarding experience.
3.   Students will respect and feel the dignity of labor in all fields.
4.   Students will learn about the requirements and opportunities of various occupations best suited to their individual aptitudes, potentialities, and interests.
5    We will develop all curricula to meet State Standards. Students will be evaluated frequently in order to assess and encourage progress toward those Standards. Parents will be provided with regular communication regarding their students’ progress.
6.   Students and teachers will be held responsible to see that students learn to read, write, and speak the English language effectively.
7.   Students will be taught the basic facts of health and disease.
8.   Students will develop self-respect and citizenship through their own successful efforts.
9.   We will provide opportunities for students to participate in strong art programs.
10. We will provide necessary training, equipment, and materials for all employees.
11. We will provide a drug free and safe environment.